Donate to CDO

Every contribution to CDO, big or small, makes a significant difference. Your generosity can take many forms, whether a financial gift, sponsoring a child’s education, or generously giving up your time to volunteer.

Your contributions allow us to continue providing free English lessons children at CDO.


Consider sponsoring a teacher or a class. Your sponsorship provides security and peace of mind month on month, allowing the team to focus on the children.

Visit and Volunteer

Are you visiting Siam Reap? If you are, we invite you to visit our school and volunteer your time and skills. By engaging directly with the children, you can witness the impact of your support first-hand. 

Provide Resources

Are you visiting Siam Reap or know someone who is? We are always looking for donations of quality children’s books, educational tools like pencils and paper and other supplies we can use in the classroom or around the school. We can collect from your hotel.

Share CDO’s Message

Help us spread the message of CDO to your family, friends and colleagues by sharing our website. By getting more people on board, we can reach more children in need.


Every donation provides the necessary resources and support for our students. Our team works closely with leaders in the community to ensure that every contribution makes a tangible difference.

Here’s How Your Donation Can Help:

$30 can provide food for all the children for one day
$50 can buy a bike to help with the long commute to school
$80 can provide a child with school supplies for one year
$400 can pay a teacher/administrator’s salay for one month
$800 can sponsor a student to university for one-year

Remember, every little bit helps. You can also opt to make a one-time donation or become a monthly donor, ensuring a consistent flow of support to the children and our organisation.80

Join us in our mission to empower the children of CDO. Together, we can transform lives and create a brighter future for the children and communities we serve.

Thank you for your support.